Our Mussel Articles
Not only are mussels exploding onto the culinary scene across Australia, but we're now also spoilt for choice in creating restaurant-quality mussel meals at home. Read through our mussel articles to learn more about nature's own superfood.
Why Mussels are the perfect addition your Winter Meal Planner
Mussels are the perfect winter meal because of their convenience. Embrace the drop in temperature and enjoy mussels in soups, broths, laksas, curries, paellas and just about any other winter recipe.
Ten surprising mussel facts
We’re not short on mussel facts and we’ve shared ten of our favourites here to give you even more love for our favourite sustainable seafood.
Mussel cooking techniques for the tastiest of mussels
Mussel cooking is quick, easy and budget-friendly. Not to mention, mussels are a delicious dinner winner!
Black mussels and blue mussels are found on the menus of leading restaurants
Black mussels dominate the menus of the world's leading restaurants. Native to the waters of Southern Africa, the Arctic Ocean, the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans.
Are mussels good for you? Mussels are one of nature's true superfoods and the perfect mid-week meal
For the busy couple, mussels make an excellent mid week meal. Highly nutritious, very easy to prepare and quick to make mussels are a healthy choice dinner for those couples that are health conscious and time poor. Mussels are good for you.
What is BAP certification?
EP Seafoods has been awarded Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification. This is a fantastic endorsement of the all the work we have done over the past 20 years to ensure we address the key areas of sustainability, environmental and social accountability, food safety and animal health and welfare.
Leading chefs and restaurants prefer Kinkawooka mussels
Leading chefs and restaurants around Australia prefer to serve Kinkawooka mussels. They know that our mussels are Australia’s best. Full of flavour and consistently high in quality, the best chefs and restaurants never compromise on ingredients and neither should you.
The benefits of our new mussel hot pots make choosing mussels simple
The benefits of our new mussel hot pots are more than just convenience. Our chefs have prepared four sensational mussel hot pots that tick all the boxes for flavour, value and nutrition. Now available at selected Woolworth stores, try one today and make mussels part of your weekly meal plan.
Now is a great time to enjoy the mussel season ~ sweeter flavour and a creamy texture
Now is the best time for mussels. Winter mussels from EP Seafoods are plump, juicy and have a sweeter flavour. The best mussel season is March to November and in June and July the mussels begin to spawn. This is a great time to enjoy Australia’s very best mussels from the Eyre Peninsula.
Eating mussels for the family meal became a habit that we all enjoyed
Busy? Aren’t we all! Since we came out of a lockdown it can feel like the days are moving faster and we have less time to do those things that are important to our health. Whilst the lockdowns were hard, we found we had more time and more reason to make time for our own wellbeing and that of our two children. Mussels for the family meal became the norm.
Eating mussels as part of your weekly routine is a very healthy choice
Europeans and New Zealanders have been feasting on mussels for centuries. Our New Zealand cousins lead the world in both consumption and export of mussels, having adopted traditional European culinary habits of eating mussels as a staple rather than a delicacy.
When choosing plump and juicy mussels, our latest harvest ticks all the boxes
When choosing plump and juicy mussels, now is the time to get your hands on the season’s biggest and juiciest mussels. Grown and harvested in the pristine waters off Eyre Peninsula, this crop makes for a spectacular display in any dish.
Blue mussels - An Aussie staple
Blue mussels are an Aussie staple. We see them everywhere; their shells are often strewn across the rocky outbreaks of beaches. Australians have a familiarity with them, born from days at the beach and summer cook-ups.
How to cook mussels - the perfect start
Cooking mussels is fun, quick, very clean and healthy. The best way to start is using the Kinkawooka steam method. Once the mussels have been steamed, you can add them to just about any combination. When cooking mussels start with steam then unleash your imagination.
What is the Kinkawooka Way?
We often get requests for recipes and advice on the best way to prepare our famous Kinkawooka mussels. Simply steaming them in water showcases their delicate and mouthwatering authentic flavour. Remember, when preparing mussels using any one of our amazing recipes, always prepare your mussels the 'Kinkawooka Way'.
Health benefits of steamed mussels
Cooking with steam has long been considered one of the healthiest methods of preparing food. Foods that are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as mussels, retain their nutritional elements when cooked with steam. The health benefits of steamed mussels make them one of nature’s most prolific superfoods.
Chilli mussels - a game changer
Mussels can easily be turned into a delicious dish within just a few minutes. They're so versatile: combining them with fresh and simple ingredients makes any meal a discovery. You don’t need much and a few chillies brings these fresh sea tasting delights into a memorable party starter. Read a fun story from one of our customers on how chilli mussels shifted his Thursday night routine.
Mussels are nature’s ultimate superfood
They taste amazing and are one of the most versatile sources of protein available. But are mussels good for you? You bet they are - and are one of nature’s ultimate superfoods. Mussels must be on your weekly menu for a host of health reasons.
Fill your home with laughter, music and great home cooked meals
Fill your home with laughter, music and really good home cooked food. Cooking is something people do either regularly or rarely. Convenience food has shifted our way of enjoying a meal and has changed family habits. Not all of it is bad, and grabbing a takeaway or going out for a meal is still part of our culture.
Simple, healthy, home cooked meals
Remember how good a home cooked meal used to be? The smells as you came through the front door, the noise as the oven whirled, pots bubbling, the family milling around each one’s story of the day more important and therefore needed to be told louder than everyone else's. Simple healthy home cooked meal is a part of our childhood that we probably remember with the most fondness, conjuring lost memories.